Prayer Requests

Please pray with us for the following prayer requests. You can add your own praise or prayer request by clicking on the "Add Prayer Request" button.

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Please pray for the following request:

From Twonkie on 12/5/2019 -
I think i am a muslim

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 2 times.

Praise Report From Naghtzy on 12/5/2019 -
I have pooed myself again

From eugene on 1/13/2019 -
i pray for gods mercy protection and favor to strengthen me spiritually emotionally financially mentally.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 4 times.

From Philip on 10/22/2017 -
Healing in both of my knees. Arthiritiss and nrrd to loose weight

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 5 times.

Praise Report From James on 3/23/2017 -
God answered my prayers. I asked him to give me the strength to do something I've been too afraid to do. He gave me the strength to stick a cactus in my rectum. Thank you, jesus.

From fanda on 5/18/2016 -
hi.. my husband and i are going through a big financial test tonite and working on getting it resolved. it's in God's hands how much mercy he will shows by morning but i know God can do this miracle, in Jesus'name. please pray for us to keep the faith and allow this to be a victory by morning!! God bless you

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 5 times.

From fanda on 5/18/2016 -
hi.. my husband and i are going through a big financial test tonite and working on getting it resolved. it's in God's hands how much mercy he will shows by morning but i know God can do this miracle, in Jesus'name. please pray for us to keep the faith and allow this to be a victory by morning!! God bless you

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 4 times.

From florencia on 5/18/2016 -
in Jesus' name, i ask and declare, that my husband and i be given a financial miracle tonite because we need it now more than ever. there are a few ways that the money that God is blessing us with is coming in, except that we need it now. i give this to you, Lord, in Jesus' name. i know God has a breakthrough ready for us and jobs for us to keep on going and living in and sharing his glory here. amen

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 4 times.

From Acean on 5/15/2016 -
GOOD MORNING. Please am asking u to pray for me n my family. I need a job My 3 sons. 2 need to go to childrens hospital for apointment but I can't find the money. N the other son to respect people. My babyfather to get a job in Mandeville. N my enemys to leave me alone. N for enteral strength for u n ur family.

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 2 times.

From anonymous on 4/1/2016 -
Posted on: 4/1/2016 (ID#73211) Hi morning can you please pray for me and my son we are going true a very hard time

Mark as prayed
This request has been prayed for 4 times.

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