live-recording 10/29/2017 9:30 AM
Rev. Roger Alling
About this video:
Reformation Sunday - 500th Anniversary
Service of Holy Communion
PRELUDE: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (arr. Thomas Chesterton) by Bonnie Barton - organ; The Church's One Foundation (Cathy Moklebust) by Bells of Grace
GATHERING HYMN: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; Jeff Sims - trumpet, Curtis Glidewell - trombone
FIRST READING; Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18
SPECIAL MUSIC: God Is Our Refuge and Strength (Allen Pote) by Grace Chancel Choir; Jeff Sims, Curtis Glidewell - trumpet
GOSPEL: Matthew 22:34-46
HYMN OF THE DAY: That Priceless Grace ELW#591
OFFERING MUSIC: My God Is an Awesome God (Keith Hampton) by Grace Chancel Choir; Ben Galle, Laurie Zimmerman, Jeff Sims - soloists
SETTING THE TABLE: In the Singing ELW#466
COMMUNION MUSIC: For By Grace You Have Been Saved ELW#598; You Are Mine ELW#581; Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice ELW#594
SENDING HYMN: The Church's One Foundation ELW#654
POSTLUDE: The Church's One Foundation (arr. James Mansfield) by Bonnie Barton - organ
Published on Sunday, October 29, 2017
Video length: 1:16:00